Salat ul Taubah Repentance Course

Salat-ul-Taubah Repentance Course

Sometimes people get involved in this colorful world too much and forget the actual purpose of their life. They stray away from the religion (Islam) and Allah and start doing sinful acts consciously or unconsciously. After some time, they began to realize that they are going on the wrong path. After realization, they want to return to Allah, but they become hopeless, and doubtful whether Allah will forgive their sins or not. Shaitan (devil) continues to deliver these doubtful thoughts in their minds and keep them hopeless. ALIM University is now introducing Salat-ul-Taubah to educate the students with the right knowledge of repentance and return to Allah after they have realized and are ashamed of their sins.

The syllabus of the course consists of the introduction of Salat-ul-Taubah (prayer of repentance), its need, the situation in which it is needed, its Rakah, the importance of adopting the state of humbleness while performing this prayer, promising to Allah of never repeat the sins and fulfilling your promises, keeping your heart pure for Allah. The students are also trained to provide counseling to never lose hope because it is illegal in Islam. This course is beneficial for all Muslims and the knowledge provided is worth effectiveness.

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