Muslim Relationships Course

Muslim Relationships Course

The course is uniquely designed for people who fail to maintain a healthy relationship with their siblings due to their business routine or any other sub-lying reason. Siblings form an important part of a family. We cannot live without them. Sometimes misunderstandings may reach the level that siblings don’t even want to see each other. The issues and misunderstandings between siblings need to be counseled and resolved before they result in any big fight. The communication gap is the most common reason for destroying any healthy relationship.

Healthy Muslim Relationship Course Online being held by ALIM University online is the need of the time. The qualified staff trains its students to identify the underlying cause of the destruction of any relationship. Then they provide practice, tips, and techniques to eliminate turning the relationship into a healthy one. The course content includes theoretical lessons on the importance of sibling relationships in life, their mutual needs, tips to maintain a healthy relationship with siblings, and solving out issues if any existing between siblings. The trainers also provide counseling and psychotherapy if needed. If you think this course is for you, join now to reserve your seat as soon as possible. This course will prove worth effective for you.

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