Islamic Marriage Marital Nikah Course

Islamic Marriage Marital Nikah Course

Marriage is the basis of the family. Both husband and wife are the primary part of a family, and each of them has to play its role to maintain the peace of home. Allah has made man responsible to earn and feed his family and woman has to reside in the house, do house chores, cooks food for husband and hast maintain a peaceful environment at home. As long as both the partners are performing their job well, the balance of life is maintained. Sometimes, there may occur some disputes between them, which may or may not resolve out. The problem occurs when the dispute reaches the level of separation.

Islamic Marital Relationships Program educates both husband and wife to maintain a healthy mutual relationship. The objective of this program is to eliminate the level of communication gap between the partners as much as possible, educate them to share their feelings, avoid the involvement of a third person in their matters, develop the habit of positive thinking and trust each other more than anyone else. If you are interested in learning to maintain a long-lasting healthy relationship with your spouse, then this program is the best choice for you.

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