Islamic Diploma Program Online Free

Islamic Diploma Program Online Free

The online free Islamic diploma program cover up the basic education that is essential for a Muslim. A Muslim must be aware about the basics of his religion Islam, Why Allah has created him and what is the purpose of his life? In today’s modern era it is even more important to get Islamic education to make our relationship strong with our creator, Allah. As a Muslim it is our religious obligation to get education. Muslims, no matter where they live and how they live, they require to be a good Muslims.

Our online free Islamic diploma program allows getting authentic Islamic education to all Muslims equally even if they are too poor to pay fee for education. This diploma course includes Quran, Hadith, Belief (Aqeedah), Islamic history and Fiqh. This course is free to make it easily accessible to every single Muslim. New Muslims can also benefit themselves by enrolling in this course. Islamic knowledge will be delivered in step by step from very basics in a convenient way, easily absorbable by students. We aim to make Islamic education easier to achieve. So, enroll yourself to get yourself embellish with Islamic education and make your life purposeful.

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Islamic Courses Online Diploma Free

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