Islam and Psychology Course Online

Islam and Psychology Course Online

Islam and Psychology are closely related to each other. Islam is just not the religion of prayers. It helps to shape human behavior, mind, body, and soul properly. The purpose of Islamic psychology is to maintain the balance between mind, body, and soul so that it can attain the status of inner peace and contentment, a state of Nafs-e-Mutmainnah. When this balance is disrupted, a state in which Nafs-Ammaara prevails, the peace and contentment also get disrupted. Islam and Psychology course help us to maintain this balance between mind, body, and soul.

ALIM University is offering Online Islam and Psychology program to educate us about the connection between Islam and Psychology. The program is designed to provide students not only the theoretical but also the practical perspectives of psychology and Islamic sciences. The outcomes of this program include articulating classical Islamic philosophical, medicinal, and psycho-somatic paradigms of human psychology, identifying major psychological theories of the 19th century and the development of modern theory both from spiritual and secular perspectives, engaging critically with modern psychology from the Islamic perspective, analyzing secular and Islamic models of the self, etc. Getting enrolled in this unique program is easy because it is available online.

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