Islam And Comparative Religions Course

Islam And Comparative Religions Course

Islam And Comparative Religions Course, the course is beneficial for those having an interest in studying the comparison of different religions (Ahl-e-Kitab) e.g. Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrians, and Sabians.
The course is offered at ALIM University online to benefit the Muslims seeking in-depth information and comparison of different Ahl-e-Kitab religions mentioned in the Holy Quran. The lessons are given in the light of the Quran and Ahadiths, for the students to establish their knowledge of Islamic perspectives.

The content, of course, includes lessons on the introduction of different Ahl-e-Kitab religions based on Quranic Ayahs and Ahadith references, their beliefs, faith, values, level of their faith in Allah, the signs and qualities of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned in their heavenly books, their comparison with each other and with Islam, their arguments to reject Islam, etc. The content consists of high–value knowledge. You can get admission to this high-level course by applying online.

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