Hijama Course Online

Hijama Course Online

Hijama (the Cupping therapy), is a Sunnah method of treatment to cure many diseases. The course is beneficial for the people dealing with Health care practices, health care practitioners, health care professionals, and for those who are associated directly or indirectly with healthcare systems. It is an Islamic, old and effective method of treatment now upgraded with modern tools and technologies to make the treatment more effective.

The syllabus of this course includes a history of Islamic medicine, Prophetic medicine, Islamic methods of treatment, history of cupping therapy, its old and new methods, precautionary measures, diseases in which Hijama is effective, important dates for Hijama, etc. The course structure is both theory-based and practical-based. It includes lessons, quiz and exercises on the completion of each lesson, demonstration on tips, tools, and techniques to perform Hijama, assessment tests, and a final exam. On the course completion, the study will be able to perform Hijama to cure certain diseases, keeping in mind the precautionary measures to avoid any dangerous situations.

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