Hadith Course Online Diploma

Hadith Course Online Diploma

Hadith, the narrations of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are the most important part of Islam. These are the detailed description of the Quran. Hadith explains many commandments which are unclear in Quran and guides us in the right direction. After Quran, Hadith is the primary source of law. Hadith means any utterance, action, or quality associated with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We must get the right knowledge of Hadith and at the same time to avoid fake knowledge, that may misguide us, because in today’s digital world, many sayings not associated with Prophet (PBUH), circulate on social media and people begin to follow them blindly.

ALIM University is the platform that is offering an Online Hadith Diploma program that enables the student to achieve authentic, right knowledge of hadith. The program includes detailed insight into the knowledge of hadith, research, its types (Sahih, Hasan, Gharib, etc.), an introduction of narrators, and a brief description of their life. After the course, students will be able to identify real Ahadith from fake ones, and real degrees (Darjah) of hadith. This is the right time to get this knowledge by enrolling in the Online Hadith Diploma free of cost.

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Islamic Courses Online Diploma Free

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