Fiqh Of Zakat Course Online

Fiqh of Zakat Course Online

The Fiqh of Zakat Course Online is designed to educate the Muslims about the purpose of Zakat, its hidden benefits, its Sharah (amount), its Masarif (deserving people), and from whom it should be taken. Allah has mentioned Zakat in Quran in the following words

Quran 2:110
وَاَقِيْمُوْا لصَّلٰوةَ وَاٰتُوْا الزَّكٰوةَ
“And offer prayer and give Zakat”

This ayah explains that Zakat is obligatory for us just like Salah five times a day that is why Allah has mentioned it with Salah. Many people don’t have much knowledge about zakat, how much and when it be given, and to whom it should be given.
The Fiqh of Zakat Online course is teaching people about Zakat, so learning about the basic knowledge of Zakat is not an issue anymore. This course will enable the students to learn the obligatory situations of zakat, Ahadiths of Holy Prophet (PBUH)about those who don’t pay zakat, zakat deserving persons, Nisab of Zakat on different materials i.e. gold, silver, food and money, the significance of paying zakat, modern-day problems and their solutions. The course is all free and can be accessed by anyone interested to equip himself with this basic Islamic knowledge. Click the register now button, fill in your details, and get registered.

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