Evil Eye Islamic Program Online

Evil Eye Islamic Program Online

It is proven in the light of many Ahadiths that evil-eye is true and has very bad effects on the healthy wealthy life of a human being. It can be so strong that it can make a man reach grave (kill him). The most Beneficent and the Most Merciful Creator, Allah has provided many sources with which we can protect ourselves from evil-eye. These sources include Muadha Taen (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Naas), Aayat-ul-Kursi, Surah Al-Fatiha, morning and even supplications, and some supplications specific for protection against evil mentioned in Ahadiths. We need to learn, memorize and recite these Surah and. Supplications daily to protect ourselves and children from evil-eye, sihr, effects of Jins, etc.

Learning, and memorizing these Surahs and supplications is now made easy even for the weak learners, by Evil-Eye Protection Program of ALIM University. The qualified staff deliver knowledge in an easy-to-understand way and provide training to memorize them. The program is worth taking and consists of the recitation of Surahs and supplications specific for evil eye protection, their explanatory meaning, their purpose, and training for their memorization. The students are advised to practice them daily until a habit of reciting them in the morning, evening, and after each Fardh Salah develops.

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