Black Magic Mental Illness Course Online

Black Magic Mental Illness Course Online

Sihr (magic) can destroy a prosperous life. Some evil mind people do sihr to disturb the lives of others just to satisfy their ego. Allah declared the person who does sihr, a kafir. At the same time, Allah has blessed his true believers by providing them sources to eliminate the effects of sihr. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was once affected by sihr, done by a Jew, and fell severally ill. Jibril (AS) eliminated the effect of sihr done on Holy Prophet (PBUH) by reciting Muadha Taen over Him. Sihr Protection Program is going to be initiated by ALIM University to educate the people about the right resources to eliminate the effects of sihr.
The syllabus of this program consists of the Arabic recitation of Surahs which are specific for the elimination of sihr, such Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Al-Fatiha, Muadha Taen, Aayat-ul-Kursi, some verses from selected Surahs which include initial verses of Surah Al-Sa’faat and Surah Al-Jinn, some verses from Surah Al-Rahman. The focus will be on understanding the purpose of revelation of these Surahs and verses, their translation, and Tafseer, understanding their potent effects in the elimination of Sihr in the light of Ahadiths. Every Muslim must gain knowledge of this program to protect him and his family from the evil effects of sihr Jins.

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